October 1, 2008
7:00 PM
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Robert Lowell, Matt Kennedy, Michael Scott, Leonard Anderson, Ken Strom, and Anthony Costello
Staff Present: Pamela Harding, Teresa McIntyre
Others: M. Andrade, D. McManus, G. Stevens, J. Towle, D. Clark, M. Devlin, K. Daignault, and J. Lizotte.
The meeting began at 7:00 PM.
STREAM TEAM - G. Stevens gave a presentation regarding their 3-core project with the Riverways Program. The program is seeking volunteers to perform a visual shoreline survey of the Quinapoxet River. Training will be provided.
NOTICE OF INTENT - 315 Mason Road - Applicant requests a continuance until the next meeting on November 5. They are currently working with DEP on the septic system.
EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT - J. Towle presented his proposal for his Eagle Scout project at Trout Brook. He plans to rebuild the bridge at the Blue Trail Bridge Crossing. The Conservation Commission fully supported his endeavor.
NOTICE OF INTENT - Winterberry Hollow - D. Clark, speaking on behalf of the applicants, requested a continuance until the next meeting on November 5. They are currently responding to comments made by Graves Engineering. The Conservation Commission agreed to meet with the applicants for a site walk on October 9, 2008. The Commission also requested that the flags be reviewed and replaced where necessary. P. McManus, representing Eco-Tech, reviewed his Peer Review report. The floor was opened to the public for questions and comments. M. Devlin raised a concern that the detention basins 3 and 4 were closer to the wetland than stated in the ZBA plan. The applicants responded that the dimensions changed as the scope of the project was reduced from 246 units to 194 units. J. Lizotte, an abutter, reiterated his concern regarding the 1:1
slope. With no further questions or comments, the Chairman continued the hearing until November 5th.
EAGLE SCOUT PROJECT - K. Daignault presented his proposal for his Eagle Scout project. He plans to remark the Red, White, and Blue trails - replacing all existing markers and adding them where necessary. All signage along the trails will be replaced. He also will repair a small 4 ft x 3 ft bridge. The Conservation Commission fully supported his endeavor.
ORDER OF CONDITIONS - Deer Run Subdivision - Applicants have requested up to a 2-year extension. M. Scott made the motion to extend the Order of Conditions for 1 more year. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All in favor.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Sheffield Way Extension - Applicant has requested that Lot A be released. P. Harding informed the Commission that Lot A is acceptable, but that the subdivision, as a whole is not. R. Lowell made a motion to issue a Certificate of Compliance for Lot A. L. Anderson seconded the motion. All in favor.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - 95 Mixter Road - Applicant never recorded the original Certificate of Compliance. They are requesting that the Certificate be re-released so that it can be recorded properly. M. Scott made a motion to re-release the Certificate of Compliance. K. Strom seconded the motion. All in favor.
NOTICE OF INTENT - Amendment - North Street - Applicant requests the use of plastic piping instead of concrete. He also would like to reduce 2 pipes to 1 pipe at the entrance of the property. M. Scott made a motion to approve the unsubstantial changes to the Order of Conditions. R. Lowell seconded the motion. All in favor.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE - Lot 2 Highland Street (294 Highland Street) - Applicant requests the Certificate of Compliance be released so that the property can be sold. K. Strom made a motion to issue the Certificate of Compliance. A. Costello seconded the motion. All in favor.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES - R. Lowell made a motion to approve the Minutes of September 3, 2008. L. Anderson seconded the motion. All in favor.
L. Anderson made the motion to close the hearing. M. Scott seconded the motion. All in favor.
The meeting adjourned at 8:11 PM.
The next meeting is scheduled for November 5, 2008.